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Anxiety- Is An Inside Job: How Polyvagal Theory Can Help.

Laughing Away Anxiety with Polyvagal Theory

Ah, anxiety - the unwelcome guest that just won't leave the party. It's like that one friend who always shows up uninvited and overstays their welcome. But fear not, dear reader, for we have a secret weapon in our arsenal against anxiety - enter Polyvagal Theory! **What's the deal with Polyvagal Theory?** Polyvagal Theory is like the superhero of neuroscience, swooping in to save the day when anxiety rears its ugly head. It's all about understanding how our nervous system responds to stress and helps us make sense of why we react the way we do in anxiety-provoking situations. **Anxiety: The Uninvited Party Crasher** Picture this: anxiety is that annoying neighbor who borrows your lawnmower and never returns it. It's that constant nagging feeling that something just isn't right, like a tiny gremlin tap-dancing on your last nerve. **Tips and Tricks to Kick Anxiety to the Curb** So, how do we show anxiety the door? Well, we can start by practicing some self-care magic. Whether it's meditation, deep breathing, or dancing like nobody's watching, finding what works for you is key. And let's not forget the power of a good laugh - humor is like kryptonite to anxiety's evil plans. Remember, anxiety may be a tough cookie to crack, but with a sprinkle of Polyvagal Theory wisdom and a dash of humor, you'll be well on your way to showing it who's boss. Laughter is the best medicine. Did you know that watching a comedy, listening to jokes and engaging in big belly laughter helps calm your nervous system? Yes, you can temporarily laugh away anxiety.

When something challenging happens in life, we leave our normal social or Ventral Vagal state. Our sympathetic nervous system mobilizes us to spring into action and parasympathetic nervous system turns down the energy.

Did you know, the Vagus Nerve, AKA the big shot 10th cranial nerve, is like the boss of all bosses when it comes to keeping our body in check? It's basically the rockstar nerve of the human body, linking the brain to the heart, lungs, and gut-talk about multitasking! In times of trouble, this nerve goes from chill mode to full-on survival mode, activating our Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn instincts. Cue the action-packed showdown between the sympathetic nervous system (the one pumping you up for battle) and the parasympathetic nervous system (the chill pill after the storm). It's a wild dance-off that helps us deal with stress like pros. Understanding this nerve's game with our autonomic nervous system is like having insider knowledge on how our bodies deal with drama. Left unchecked, You can drop down past the fight, fight, freeze and fawn State into collapse and feel you are not capable and stop yourself from interacting and doing tasks at home and work. By mastering this nerve dance, we can level up our emotional game and keep our cool in the face of chaos. So, let's all strive for that zen balance between our social side and our inner warrior, unlocking the secrets to a harmonious and peaceful existence - namaste, Vagus Nerve!

What to do when you want to run, pounce, freeze or collapse!

When tension starts creeping up in your body, causing a commotion in your chest, hands, and even your feet, and you feel like you're ready to either bolt or challenge the person who just dropped some unwanted advice on you, but you'd rather not get kicked out of the library, fear not! There are techniques at your disposal to calm your sympathetic nervous system.

First off, step back and begin with some deep breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold that precious air in for another four-count, and then gracefully exhale through your mouth for a count of six. Ah, doesn't that sound like a mini vacation for your mind?

If the art of breathing isn't your cup of tea, no worries! You can opt for a leisurely walk or meditate instead. Just make sure to inform your walking buddy that you need a brief intermission. Remember, it's all about making a smooth exit rather than a dramatic escape. Stay tuned for more tips in the next episode!

  • Breathe

  • Walk

  • Reflect or Meditate

If you're feeling like a sloth due to your parasympathetic nervous system clocking in for overtime, when you are about to give a speech or your sweetie wants to talk about your relationship, here are some tips to kickstart your engine

  • Try 10 starjacks (fancy term for jumping jacks)

  • Dance like nobody's watching to your favorite tunes

  • Give some love to your furry friend - pet that dog or cat

  • Watch a comedy and engage in big belly laughter it really helps!

Give yourself around 20 minutes to shift gears and get back to a zen-like state. If you're still stuck in fight, flight, freeze, or fawn mode and it's messing with your personal and professional mojo, reach out to us today. or, If you find yourself in a state of collapse and you have no energy and have the mantra "I Can't "then getting support is the right thing to do. We're here to help you uncover the root causes, master your emotions, and gracefully navigate those pesky triggering situations.

Everyday, our Vagus Nerve performs incredible tasks to maintain your health. If you feel like it's stuck on a continuous spin cycle, assistance is available.

Feeling controlled by your vagus nerve is not necessary. You can develop the ability to control your responses instead. It is possible to empower the wise part of yourself to take charge, rather than being overwhelmed by inappropriate fear responses that can misguide you. Contact us now to discover your optimal nervous system balance. Remember, you have more options than just functioning above threshold or staying under the radar.


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